Blue Flypaper implores Democrats to Rally Their Base
Since my readers appear to enjoy a little humor:
Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."
"OH NO!" the president exclaims,"that's terrible!"
His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the president sits, head in hands.
Finally, the president looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"
Okay, now let's get serious. Bush blew it with Meiers but even though I am a loyal Democrat, we Dems have not played this very well either. Bush was taken out by the crazy right wing religious nut side of the party when it should be Democrats that slow and stall the process. That's why we need to rally the Democrats greatest asset...our celebrity base.
When you think of it, the Republicans have only a few celebrities to speak of..Charleston Heston, Ron Silver, and that's about it. The Democrats however have a who's who on the red carpet. We have men and women who can "open a picture" as well as ensemble actors and grass root actors (like Christine Ricci) and other up & comers. Our leading liberal stars and starletts are the ones who should be involved in the selection of the next Supreme Court Justice.
As strong and incredibly brave and brilliant as Teddy Kennedy and Barbara Boxer are, they shouldn't have to fight every Republican nominee single handedly. If Brad Pitt, Angela Jolie, and Sean Penn are out there working against the next Bush nominee, they those nominees won't have a chance. Meanwhile if and when a good nominee is proposed, the support of people like Woody Harrelson or a Baldwin will make it a shoo-in. Come on!
But the Democrats have not been employing this strategy and I'm not sure why. One possibility is that they are saving them in reserve for 2008. But I think that this is dangerous. To me, picking a Supreme Court Justice is just as important as picking a Congressmen.
Let's hope that we see Robert Altman and Rob Reiner helping us pick the next justice. If they do you know that everything will be okay.
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